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GDOT Statewide Roundabouts - 20 Roundabout TMC's




February to March 2020

Marr Traffic acted as a sub-consultant for Kimley Horn to collect traffic count data for several GDOT roundabout projects. The project included the collection of Turn Movement Count data initially at 20 roundabouts throughout Georgia. Marr Traffic data collection cameras were installed to record video footage which was then analyzed to provide class turn movement counts broken down into 15 minute intervals with hourly totals and peak hour data. In addition Marr also collected Drone aerial footage with a particular focus on safety and operational challenges. The high quality aerial view obtained via drones allowed Marr Traffic to utilize AI software to analyze the video. This type of analysis allows Marr to count & track vehicles movements, identify near misses, and potential accidents. The AI technology allows us to overlay the drone footage with heat maps to showcase these conflicts, as well as highlight vehicle frequencies, speeds, and trajectories. Combining drone video analysis with collision data and other common data sets allowed for a more comprehensive understanding of roundabout functionality, and recommendations were made to update pavement markings, lane widths, signage, illumination, and lane geometry as a result.

Marr Traffic Tennessee Nashville, traffic counts, traffic surveys, Traffic data collection Southeast, traffic data collection, classified turn movements, traffic queue length studies, roundabout specialists, drone aerial video and photography, video surveillance traffic data collection, traffic analysis, traffic volume, traffic classification, traffic turn movement counts, pedestrian studies, cyclist studies, parking lot studies, Marr Traffic Data Collection. parking studies, turn movement counts, traffic camera data collection, traffic counts, traffic data collection, Superior video data collection, drone AI solutions. Marr Traffic Atlanta Georgia, Marr Traffic Raleigh North Carolina, Marr Traffic Texas Dallas, Marr Traffic Orlando Florida, Marr Traffic Columbia South Carolina, Marr Traffic Louisville Kentucky, Marr Traffic, Marr Traffic in Tennessee provides - Superior Video Data Collection.
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